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How to Overcome Fear of Failure


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Learn how to overcome fear of failure in the article below.

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is a daring adventure marked by uncertainties and challenges. Fear of failure can loom large, casting shadows on the path to success. However, by understanding the psychological intricacies of this fear, embracing a growth mindset, and setting realistic goals, entrepreneurs can navigate these challenges with resilience.

In this guide, we’ll delve into real-life stories of high-profile individuals like Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, and Jeff Bezos, dissecting how they overcame setbacks in their ventures, providing practical insights for others. We’ll explore the importance of a robust business plan, the transformative power of learning from failure, and the art of taking calculated risks.

Additionally, we’ll discuss building resilience, fostering a strong support system, and the significance of celebrating successes, both big and small. Through these topics, we aim to equip aspiring entrepreneurs with a comprehensive toolkit to overcome the fear of failure and forge a path to lasting success.

“The first phase of  entrepreneurship for me — maybe for you — was very fear ridden, and honestly it’s a powerful tool,” says Mike Michalowicz, speaker and author of books like Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan and All In. “But I found that if we stay in a state of fear, we get overwhelmed with stress.”

Understanding the Fear of Failure

Before you overcome the fear of failure, it may be best to understand where it comes from first.

Complex Psychology

The fear of failure is deep and complex. It’s not just about making mistakes; it’s about the unknown in business. Entrepreneurs worry about losing money, facing competition, and what others will think. These worries mess with their minds, making decisions tough. Recognizing and understanding these feelings is the first step to beating them.

Paralyzing Effect

This fear can freeze up decision-making. When entrepreneurs are scared to fail, they might avoid important choices or take too long to decide. This “freeze” doesn’t just hurt decision-making; it affects the whole business. It makes it hard to be creative, try new things, or take the risks needed for success.

Real-life Illustrations

Let’s start with a look at some very successful entrepreneurs who overcame some very real fears to achieve their dreams.

Elon Musk – Tesla and SpaceX

Elon Musk, the mastermind behind Tesla and SpaceX, faced skepticism and financial hurdles. Tesla struggled early on, with doubts about electric cars. SpaceX also faced near-bankruptcy. Musk’s resilience and commitment to his vision turned these challenges into triumphs. Tesla is now a leader in the automotive industry, and SpaceX achieved groundbreaking milestones in space exploration.

Oprah Winfrey – OWN Network

Oprah Winfrey, media mogul, confronted challenges with the launch of the OWN Network. The network initially faced low ratings and financial difficulties. Winfrey’s ability to pivot, connect with her audience, and provide compelling content transformed OWN into a success. Her story exemplifies how adapting to challenges and staying true to one’s vision can lead to triumph over initial failures.

Jeff Bezos – Amazon

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, dealt with doubts and financial struggles in the early days. Many questioned the viability of the online marketplace. Bezos, however, focused on the long-term vision and customer satisfaction. Through innovative strategies and a commitment to continuous improvement, Amazon became a global powerhouse. These real-life examples illustrate that even the most successful entrepreneurs faced failure but turned it into a driving force for innovation and success.

Embracing a Growth Mindset

The first step in overcoming fear of failure — like the first step in achieving many other things — is to adopt the right mindset.

Core Concept

The growth mindset is crucial. It’s about seeing challenges as chances to grow and failures as lessons. Unlike a fixed mindset that says skills are fixed, a growth mindset believes you can improve with effort. This core concept is key. It changes how you see challenges and setbacks.

Learning Exercises

Practical exercises help build a growth mindset. Try changing negative thoughts, taking on new challenges, and seeking opportunities to learn. These exercises actively shape your mindset, making you see challenges not as problems but as chances to get better.

Mindset Reinforcement

Reinforcing a growth mindset means applying it daily. Use it in decision-making and how you approach new projects. By doing this, you turn the growth mindset from a concept into a part of how you live and work. This reinforcement makes challenges less scary and helps you see them as steps toward success.

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

If you’re still afraid of failing, perhaps it’s because your goals and expectation are simply too unrealistic.

Crucial Aspect

Setting realistic goals is a must. It’s about aligning big dreams with what’s possible. This step is vital for beating the fear of falling short. Recognizing this is key for creating a positive and balanced mindset in business.

Task Breakdown Strategy

Breaking down big goals into small tasks is a smart move. This strategy helps in achieving things one step at a time. It’s like a roadmap. By focusing on smaller tasks, you build a sense of achievement, making the big goal less overwhelming.

Balanced Outlook

Balancing big dreams with realistic expectations is crucial. This means aiming high but also being practical. This balanced outlook helps to see success as both inspiring and doable. It creates a positive mindset, reducing the fear of falling short in business.

Building a Strong Support System

When confronting the fear of starting a new venture, it helps to have a good support system.

Recognizing Value

Understanding the value of a strong support system is essential. It means knowing that no business journey is taken alone. Recognizing this value helps entrepreneurs see that having a solid network is a big asset in overcoming challenges.

Key Relationships

Identifying and nurturing key relationships is a smart move. It goes beyond just having contacts; it’s about having mentors, partners, and allies. These relationships bring diverse skills and experiences, making them crucial for tackling obstacles in business.

Community Cultivation

Actively building a supportive business community is proactive. It involves being part of events, forums, and collaborations. Cultivating such a community goes beyond individual relationships. It creates a safety net where entrepreneurs can share experiences and get support during tough times. This community cultivation is like having a group of teammates cheering you on in the entrepreneurial game.

Developing a Robust Business Plan

If you want to avoid failure, don’t just wing it. It helps to have a plan.

Strategic Blueprint

When figuring out how to overcome fear of failure, start with a plan. Creating a comprehensive business plan is like drawing a map for success. This plan outlines the vision, goals, and strategies for the business. It’s the starting point, guiding the business on its journey. A strategic blueprint is like having a clear path through the uncertainties.

Informed Planning

Thorough research is the backbone of informed planning. It’s about understanding the market, customers, and industry trends. This deep knowledge helps entrepreneurs make wise decisions. Informed planning is like having a compass, ensuring the business is on the right course amid uncertainties.

Contingent Integration

Integrating contingency plans is a must. It’s about preparing for unexpected challenges. By having backup plans, entrepreneurs can respond effectively to surprises. Contingent integration is like having a safety net, ready to catch the business if things don’t go as planned. It’s a proactive strategy for a resilient journey.

Learning from Failure

If you do fail, don’t fret. The important question may be what you learned from the experience.

Transformative Mindset

Approaching failure with a transformative mindset is crucial. It’s about seeing setbacks not as roadblocks but as stepping stones. This mindset shift is transformative because it changes how entrepreneurs view failure. Instead of it being an end, it becomes a powerful force for growth and improvement.

Practical Insight

Gaining practical insight from failure involves learning tangible lessons. It’s not just about what went wrong but understanding why. Entrepreneurs should analyze failures to extract specific actions or strategies that contributed to the outcome. This practical insight becomes a valuable guide, helping entrepreneurs make informed decisions and avoid similar pitfalls in the future.

Adaptive Strategies

Learning from failure goes beyond analysis; it’s about adapting strategies. Entrepreneurs should apply the lessons learned to refine and adjust their approaches. This adaptability is key in navigating the dynamic business landscape. By implementing adaptive strategies, entrepreneurs not only bounce back from setbacks but also create a culture of continuous improvement and resilience.

Taking Calculated Risks

Whether you’re afraid or not, sometimes it’s also important to learn to take calculated risks.

Risk Distinction

Understanding the difference between reckless and calculated risks is vital. Reckless risks are taken without thinking, while calculated risks are based on careful evaluation. Distinguishing between the two helps entrepreneurs make wise choices, ensuring that risks taken are strategic and thought-out.

Decisions Empowerment

Empowering decisions involve evaluating risks before making choices. It’s about taking an active role in decision-making, considering potential outcomes and benefits. This empowerment gives entrepreneurs a sense of ownership and responsibility for the risks they take. It fosters a proactive approach to challenges and builds confidence in facing uncertainties.

Risk Management

Effective risk management is crucial in reducing the fear of failure. It involves systematically identifying, assessing, and addressing potential risks. By implementing preventive measures and creating contingency plans, entrepreneurs are better prepared to navigate uncertainties. Risk management is not about avoiding risks but about facing them with a strategic and prepared mindset. It ensures that entrepreneurs can make informed choices, minimizing the impact of potential failures and instilling confidence in taking calculated risks in the dynamic business environment.

Developing Resilience

You’re liable to get batted around a bit in this entrepreneurial game. Be sure you’ve got a thick skin.

Crucial Attribute

Recognizing resilience as a crucial attribute is fundamental. It empowers entrepreneurs to bounce back from setbacks and sustain momentum in the face of adversity. Resilience is the ability to adapt, learn, and persevere, distinguishing successful entrepreneurs. Acknowledging its importance shifts the focus from avoiding failure to leveraging it as a catalyst for growth.

Practical Techniques

Practical techniques for building resilience involve cultivating skills and habits that contribute to mental and emotional fortitude. Maintaining a positive mindset, practicing stress management, and seeking support during challenging times are practical techniques that nurture resilience. These exercises are proactive measures, equipping individuals to navigate the inevitable highs and lows of entrepreneurship with grace and determination.

Celebrating Success, Big and Small

When success finally comes, don’t let it go unnoticed.

Positive Reinforcement

Celebrating success is more than just a pat on the back; it’s like cheering for a win. Positive reinforcement boosts motivation and creates a culture where achievements are valued. By acknowledging successes, big or small, team members feel appreciated, making them more eager to tackle new challenges.

Progress Recognition

Recognizing progress, no matter how small, is like marking steps toward a goal. It’s about seeing that every effort counts. When progress is acknowledged, it builds confidence and inspires a sense of accomplishment. This constant recognition creates a positive loop, making individuals and teams more resilient in the face of challenges.

Cultural Integration

Celebrating success isn’t a one-time event; it’s part of the everyday culture. Cultural integration means making celebrations and progress recognition a regular thing. It’s like embedding a positive vibe into daily work life. By integrating this culture, businesses create an environment where success is expected, appreciated, and becomes a shared part of the company’s identity.


Here are some closing thoughts about overcoming the fear of failing.


Summing up the key strategies is like highlighting the best moves in a game. From understanding fear to celebrating success, each step plays a vital role. This recap serves as a reminder of the comprehensive approach needed for entrepreneurial success.


Aspiring entrepreneurs are encouraged to face challenges with confidence. Encouragement means understanding that fear is natural but can be overcome. It’s an invitation to step into the unknown with resilience, armed with insights to navigate uncertainties and turn setbacks into stepping stones.

Final Thoughts about How to Overcome Fear of Failure

In these final thoughts, the transformative power of overcoming the fear of failure is highlighted. The journey isn’t just about individual success but also creating a thriving and resilient business culture. By embracing challenges, celebrating successes, and moving forward with confidence, entrepreneurs contribute to a future marked by growth, innovation, and sustained success.

Learn more about how to overcome fear of failure, by watching “From Fear to Confidence: Navigating the Entrepreneur Journey” with author and speaker Mike Michalowicz. Sign up for the Full Replay Package of this and other videos from our “Future Proof Your Business” series.

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The 14 Best Animated GIF Makers for Your Small Business

The 14 Best Animated GIF Makers for Your Small Business


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GIFs, short bite-sized animated image files, are everywhere these days, dominating social media and the internet, in general. These fun, short files are animated by combining a series of images into an encoded graphics interchange format (GIF).

GIFs, those short, animated files, have expanded their influence beyond social media to novel domains. Online retailers are leveraging GIFs to dynamically showcase products, enhancing the virtual shopping experience. The immersive realms of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are also embracing GIFs for interactive educational content and gaming interfaces.

Additionally, email marketing has seen a significant uptick in the use of GIFs, with marketers capitalizing on their ability to catch recipients’ attention, thereby boosting engagement and click-through rates. This continued evolution of GIFs reflects their versatility and enduring appeal in our digital landscape.

Our Methodology to Choose These Animated GIF Makers

In evaluating the best animated GIF makers, our methodology incorporates a thorough analysis across various crucial factors. We utilize a rating scale from 1 to 10 for each aspect, where a higher score indicates superior performance in specific areas like ease of use, feature richness, and output quality. This approach helps users make informed decisions when choosing a GIF maker that suits their creative needs and technical skills.

User Interface and Ease of Use (Rating: 9/10)

Our assessment focuses on the intuitiveness and user-friendliness of each GIF maker’s interface. Tools that are straightforward and easy to navigate, catering to users of all skill levels, are rated highly for their accessibility.

Feature Range and Versatility (Rating: 8/10)

We evaluate the diversity of features offered, including editing tools, effects, and customization options. GIF makers that provide a broad range of creative features receive favorable ratings, reflecting their versatility in meeting various user requirements.

Quality of Output (Rating: 9/10)

The quality of the final GIF, especially in terms of resolution and animation smoothness, is critically assessed. We rate higher those GIF makers that consistently produce high-quality, professional-looking animations.

File Size and Format Options (Rating: 7/10)

Flexibility in file size and format options is considered essential for the usability of GIFs across different platforms and purposes. GIF makers offering a variety of format options and manageable file sizes score better in this category.

Speed and Efficiency (Rating: 8/10)

We examine the speed of creating and exporting GIFs. Quick processing times, coupled with quality output, are key factors that contribute to a higher rating for GIF makers in this aspect.

Integration and Sharing Capabilities (Rating: 7/10)

The ease of integrating with other platforms and directly sharing GIFs is evaluated. Tools that facilitate seamless integration and sharing, especially with social media and other digital platforms, are rated favorably for their convenience.

Cost-Effectiveness (Rating: 8/10)

Cost-effectiveness is analyzed by comparing the tool’s range of features against its pricing. GIF makers that offer extensive functionalities at a reasonable price or for free are given higher ratings, indicating better value for money.

Customer Support and Resources (Rating: 7/10)

The availability and quality of customer support and resources, such as tutorials and user guides, are assessed. GIF makers providing strong customer support and comprehensive educational materials are highly regarded for enhancing user experience.

Animated GIF Maker List

animated gif maker

If you’re determined to get creative with GIFs  for your small business, here are 10 online tools not requiring too much of your time or technical know-how.


With a suite of effects and editing tools, BlogGIF is a great tool for producing stand-out GIFs with ease. You can add animated effects, text, glitter, splash color and much more with the BlogGIF creator. It is also possible to add music to a GIF, decompose an animated GIF and create a GIF slideshow with this free GIF creating tool.

Canva GIF Maker

Canva, known for its graphic design tools, also offers a GIF maker that is highly user-friendly and versatile. It allows users to create GIFs from a vast library of images, illustrations, and design elements. Users can customize their GIFs with text, animations, and various effects. Canva is particularly suitable for those looking to create visually appealing GIFs with a professional touch, making it ideal for marketing, branding, or just for fun.


If you want to create basic GIFs for your business, simply and quickly, Giphy might be the right GIF creating tool for you.  You can add multiple images to create a GIF slideshow or trim your video into a GIF and then add captions or stickers to create a fun animated GIF for your business. Giphy also supports YouTube, Vimeo and Giphy links.


animated gif maker

Clipchamp offers a versatile platform for businesses to create engaging animated GIFs. This tool allows users to convert short video clips into GIFs, perfect for social media or website use. With its intuitive interface, users can easily trim videos, add text overlays, and apply various filters to create custom GIFs that align with their brand’s aesthetic.


animated gif maker

MakeAGif stands out for its user-friendly design, making GIF creation accessible even for beginners. Users can upload videos, images, or even directly record from their webcam to create personalized GIFs. This tool offers various customization options, including adding text, adjusting animation speed, and applying special effects, to ensure each GIF perfectly captures the intended message or reaction.


Motionbox.io is an advanced tool designed for creating high-quality animated GIFs. It provides extensive editing capabilities, including the ability to animate text, add music, and combine multiple video clips into a single GIF. This platform is ideal for businesses looking to create more sophisticated and detailed animated GIFs for marketing campaigns or social media engagement. With Motionbox.io, the creative possibilities are endless, allowing for truly unique and eye-catching GIFs.


The GIMP photo editor is a free to use, open-source image editor that allows you to make GIFs. On GIMP you can extract video clips and when the images are imported, you can have fun using the tools available on the GIMP editing suite. To make animated GIFs, you will need the GIMP Animation Package.


With the Imgflip GIF maker you can make high-quality animated GIFs for your business from video files, YouTube, images or other video websites. This free GIF making tool is simple to use and has powerful customizable options. Though you should be aware that Imgflip does watermark its GIFs, so others can see where they were created. Watermarks can be disabled completely by upgrading to a Pro account, however.


animated gif maker

Ezgif is a simple online GIF maker for basic animated GIF editing. With Ezgif you can create, resize, crop, reserve and optimize GIFs –as well as add effects. If you want to crop or slice animated GIF, WebP and PNG images, Ezgif’s GIF cropping feature is a handy tool. Simply upload the GIF and use your mouse to select which part of the image you would like to trim.


You can upload between two and ten images and create animated GIFs with the free Picasion tool. You can then share the GIFs with your target audience via social media platforms or on a website. This feature-rich GIF tool allows you to create an avatar, resize an image and have fun with glitter effects.


With Gickr.com you can instantly create animated GIFs online for free. Use online images or uploaded photos to create entertaining and eye-catching slideshows, cartoons, banners, previews and much more, to use as effective marketing material online.


GIFMaker.me is a simple-to-use tool for creating animated GIFs, slideshows and video animations for free without any registrations requirements. GIFMaker.com allows you to create animated avatars and icons to share on social media, blogs or anywhere you want to show off your business’s fun and creative GIF.


GIFPal is a free online GIF animator, which enables businesses to create GIF animations from either images on their PCs or from a webcam. This easy-to-use GIF tool allows you to set contrast, brightness, saturation and hue. You can also apply 30 visual effects, add text and manage and edit frames on a timeline.


If you are looking for a GIF creator tool to use on Windows or Linux systems, GifApp might do the job. This lightweight open-source GIF app has an easy-to-use interface where you can extract images from video, import media, delay and remove frames, apply 17 different effects and adjust dimensions.

GIF Makers Summary

GIF Maker Key Features Best For
BlogGIF Suite of effects and editing tools, music addition, animated effects, text, decompose and create GIF slideshows Creating stand-out, feature-rich GIFs
Giphy Simple creation of basic GIFs, add images, captions, stickers, supports YouTube, Vimeo, and Giphy links Quick and easy GIF creation
Clipchamp Convert video clips into GIFs, intuitive interface, trim videos, add text overlays, apply filters Engaging GIFs for social media and websites
MakeAGif User-friendly design, upload videos, images, or record from webcam, add text, adjust speed, apply special effects Beginners in GIF creation
Motionbox.io Extensive editing capabilities, animate text, add music, combine clips, ideal for detailed animated GIFs Sophisticated marketing or social media GIFs
GIMP Open-source image editor, extract video clips, use editing tools, requires GIMP Animation Package Users seeking a free, comprehensive editing tool
Imgflip High-quality GIFs from videos, YouTube, images, customizable options, watermarks (removable with Pro account) Users needing customization with watermarked output
Ezgif Basic animated GIF editing, create, resize, crop, optimize GIFs, add effects, GIF cropping feature Basic GIF editing and optimization

What to Look for in an Animated GIF Maker

animated gif maker

When choosing an animated GIF maker, there are several key features to consider to ensure you get the best tool for your needs. Here’s a list of five important aspects to look for:

  • Ease of Use: The tool should have an intuitive interface that makes it easy for users of all skill levels to create GIFs. This includes straightforward navigation, drag-and-drop functionality, and clear instructions or guides.
  • Editing Features: Look for a GIF maker that offers a range of editing options. These can include the ability to add text, filters, and special effects, as well as tools for cropping, resizing, and adjusting the speed of the animation.
  • Quality and Resolution: The GIF maker should produce high-quality images without significant loss in resolution. This is important for ensuring that your GIFs look professional and crisp, especially when used for business purposes or on high-resolution displays.
  • Compatibility and Export Options: Ensure the tool supports various file formats for both import and export. It should allow easy integration with different platforms (like social media, websites, and email) and offer the ability to save in formats that are widely compatible and easy to share.
  • Customization and Flexibility: The best GIF makers offer a high degree of customization, allowing you to tailor animations to fit your specific needs. This includes options for custom timing, frame rate adjustments, and the ability to add your own images or videos to the GIF.

Photo via Shutterstock


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20 Online Appointment Scheduling Software Programs for Small Businesses

20 Online Appointment Scheduling Software Programs for Small Businesses


If you run a business that relies on clients making bookings, adequately scheduling appointments can help your business run smoothly, and ensure appointments are never missed. One of the easiest ways to efficiently schedule appointments is to embrace automated appointment scheduling software.

Small Business Trends takes a look at 20 online appointment scheduling apps designed to make appointment scheduling more seamless and efficient.

Benefits of Online Appointment Scheduling Software for Small Businesses

Appointment scheduling software offers numerous benefits for small businesses, streamlining their operations and enhancing customer experience. One of the most significant advantages is the improved efficiency in managing appointments. This type of software automates the scheduling process, reducing the need for manual input and minimizing the likelihood of errors. As a result, small business owners and their staff can focus more on core business activities instead of administrative tasks.

Key benefits of appointment scheduling software for small businesses include:

  • Time-Saving: Automates the booking process, reducing the time spent on scheduling and rescheduling appointments.
  • 24/7 Availability: Allows customers to book appointments outside of regular business hours, providing greater convenience.
  • Reduced No-Shows: Automated reminders can be sent to clients, decreasing the number of missed appointments.
  • Increased Revenue: Efficient scheduling can lead to more appointments and, consequently, higher revenue.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Enhances the customer experience with easy and quick booking, contributing to customer loyalty.
  • Data Management: Centralizes client information and appointment history, aiding in better customer relationship management.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the business, including managing multiple staff members and services.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Many scheduling solutions offer mobile apps, allowing both business owners and customers to manage appointments on the go.

online appointment scheduling software

Methodology for Selecting Online Appointment Scheduling Software

As small business owners or entrepreneurs, choosing the right online appointment scheduling software involves a thoughtful consideration of various factors. These criteria ensure the software not only meets operational needs but also enhances the customer experience. Here’s a detailed look at the factors we considered when compiling our list:

  1. User-Friendly Interface
    • Scale of Importance: 9/10
    • The software should be easy to navigate for both our team and our customers, with a clear and intuitive interface.
  2. Integration with Existing Systems
    • Scale of Importance: 8/10
    • It’s crucial that the software can seamlessly integrate with our existing website, CRM systems, and other digital tools.
  3. Customizability
    • Scale of Importance: 7/10
    • The ability to customize the software to fit our specific business needs, branding, and scheduling preferences is important.
  4. Automated Notifications and Reminders
    • Scale of Importance: 9/10
    • Automated email or SMS notifications for appointments can reduce no-shows and keep both staff and customers informed.
  5. Scalability
    • Scale of Importance: 7/10
    • The software should be capable of handling an increasing number of appointments and users as our business grows.
  6. Cost-Effectiveness
    • Scale of Importance: 7/10
    • We need to balance robust features with affordability to ensure the software is cost-effective for our business size and budget.
  7. Reliability and Uptime
    • Scale of Importance: 8/10
    • Dependable software with minimal downtime is crucial to avoid disruptions in scheduling and maintaining customer trust.
  8. Mobile Compatibility
    • Scale of Importance: 8/10
    • The software should be accessible and fully functional on mobile devices, catering to the increasing number of mobile users.
  9. Data Security and Privacy
    • Scale of Importance: 9/10
    • Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data within the scheduling system is non-negotiable.
  10. Support and Maintenance
    • Scale of Importance: 7/10
    • Reliable customer support and regular updates are essential to keep the software running smoothly and to address any issues promptly.

online appointment scheduling software

Online Appointment Scheduling Software


Visibook is a powerful tool for professionals and businesses to manage client appointments. This newly-launched scheduling software app allows entrepreneurs to manage client appointments. Clients can see appointment availabilities on a shared calendar, and schedule, track and manage appointments, consequently streamlining the whole appointment scheduling process for both parties. The software includes booking links that businesses can share with clients and automatic 24-hour reminders prior to appointments.


With a 24/7 online booking system, Reservio enables businesses to streamline appointment scheduling and never miss an appointment. More than 75,000 businesses from 35 countries use Reservio every day to schedule appointments and improve their business. Users can take advantage of a free plan with 40 monthly bookings and basic scheduling features.

online appointment scheduling software

Agile CRM

Agile is an all-in-one CRM, which features online appointment scheduling software. The app enables clients to schedule appointments in calendars, which business owners can sync with other calendars. One particularly effective feature of Agile is the fact the calendar link can be embedded into email marketing campaigns, enabling clients and prospects receiving the emails to select a convenient time and date to schedule a meeting. A starter version of Agile is available at just $8.99 a month.


BookSteam is a smart online appointment scheduler that provides freelancers, entrepreneurs and business owners with a simple way for clients to schedule appointments online in real time. With a customizable platform BookSteam allows users to create a bespoke calendar designed to book and attract new customers online.  BookSteam’s pricing starts from $19.95 a month for the Solo package, designed for one staff member.

Sign In Scheduling

Sign In Scheduling (formerly 10to8) is an effective appointment management system which sends out automated text reminders. More than 34,700 businesses around the world use Sign In Scheduling to efficiently coordinate with clients without multitasking and, with smart texts and email reminders, reduce no-show rates by as much as 90%. This 24/7 online booking app offers a free plan, followed by three more pricing options, the most comprehensive being the Enterprise Plan.


Timely enables business owners and freelancers to streamline their appointments. Timely’s powerful calendar allows users to add, move and cancel appointments with ease and without any delay, and see what’s coming up. Clients can check into the online bookings feature of the app and search for available appointment slots and book in at their leisure. Such online booking requests are then automatically updated in the calendar. Timely offers a three-tiered payment structure, starting from approximately $20 a month.


Booksy (formerly Versum) offers powerful appointment scheduling software for professionals operating within the hair and beauty salon industry. Hair and beauty freelancers and businesses can gather all information on appointments, and manage their schedules conveniently. This advanced software gives individuals and businesses instant access to a client’s appointment history, discounts and preferences. Hair and beauty specialists can try Booksy free of charge for 14 days.


For businesses which are heavily reliant on social media, Appointy could be the most effective online appointment scheduling app for their business. This advanced software enables businesses to book appointments from the different social media channels. Appointments can then be embedded into the appointment calendar on the business’s Facebook page. Appointy has a free monthly plan, rising up to an Enterprise Plan, which starts at $59.99 a month.

online appointment scheduling software


vCita is an all-in-one business management app for SMBs. Calendar management is a key feature of vCita, in which clients can set appointments on a business’s online calendar and reschedule at any time via the company’s website, mobile, social network profiles, or even on the emails a business sends. With automated email and text, professionals and businesses can save time on back and forth coordination around calendar management, as well as reducing cancellation and no-show rates. vCita offers a basic online calendar for free, ranging to a business plan, which starts at $39.90 a month.


Kickserv Field Service Software includes customer servicing and scheduling, designed to ensure business owners, freelancers and start-ups always know when an appointment is approaching. Kickserv’s sophisticated calendar filtering options enables users to drag and drop appointments and dynamically filter calendars. With color-coding, businesses have an accurate picture of their day, week or month ahead. Kickserv starts from $26 per month.


Aiming to “calm your appointment scheduling chaos”, BookedIN allows users to set up an online appointment scheduler within minutes and invite clients to book and pay for appointments online. This hassle-free online booking system for entrepreneurs and their clients has a tiered payment structure, starting from $24 a year to $69 annually.


FrontDesk helps to simplify client management and allow professionals grow their business through effective client management software for those in the fitness and arts industries. Businesses and clients can save time on ‘front desk’ tasks, such as appointment scheduling, through mobile-friendly and easy-to-use online scheduling for clients and staff. FrontDesk’s pricing starts from $129 per month.


Bookafy is online appointment booking software that is rich in features. Individuals can schedule meetings, calls, demos and services to help grow their business by waving goodbye to time-consuming email and phone-based appointment scheduling. Appointments can be synced with Google Calendar and Outlook and payments and can also be collected at the booking stage. For individuals wanting effective scheduling software, Bookafy costs just $19 a month.


SetMore allows freelancers, entrepreneurs and business owners to book and manage appointments via Web, Android and iOS apps. Users can set SMS and email reminders to help them stay on top of all their appointments. SMS reminders can also be sent to customers to remind them of their future appointments. For a premium scheduling software service, businesses can choose from $25 a month or $199 a year plans.

online appointment scheduling software

Acuity Scheduling

Acuity Scheduling has been hailed as being a “superhero for your schedule”. This appointment scheduling software helps business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers arrange appointments and their calendars with ease and efficiency. Acuity Scheduling allows clients to view availability quickly in real-time and self-book their own appointments, and even reschedule in just a click. Acuity Scheduling offers a four-tiered pricing structure, ranging from $0 for a freebie up to $34 a month for the ‘Powerhouse Player’ tier.


Xola is available for freelancers and individuals wanting to grow their business by making their appointment scheduling considerably more professional and seamless. Xola’s easy-to-use system is designed to save individuals time and accelerate business growth. Xola’s Professional Plan costs $99 a month.


Calendly can be synced with Google calendars and allows users to receive requests for appointments rather than merely booking meetings straight up. Once the meeting has been accepted, the appointment is added to the Outlook or Google calendar of all meeting invitees. Calendly offers a free trial, a Premium account for $8 a month, and a Pro account for $12 a month.


Vagaro is a web-based solution for businesses in the health and fitness industry to connect with customers and benefits from complete appointment booking controls. The software boasts 24/7 scheduling, enabling health and fitness businesses to streamline their clients’ booking experience. Health and fitness clubs and professionals can use Vagaro for just $25 a month.


SuperSaas offers affordable, flexible and easy-to-use appointment scheduling features for entrepreneurs and businesses working within any industry. SuperSaaS enables users to accept online appointments for their business, use an online booking calendar for events, workshops and conferences, and much more. SuperSaas offers a free version that limits the maximum number of upcoming appoints for 50.


If you run a yoga or personal training business then Punchpass could be an effective tool in crafting a more seamless scheduling system for clients to book onto classes and fitness sessions. Instead of relying on the phone or email to make class reservations, customers can book for classes and appointments online with this simple-to-use and flexible appointment management software. PunchPass starts from $34 a month.

Software Name Target Industries Key Features Pricing
Visibook Various Shared calendar, booking links, automatic reminders Not specified
Reservio Various 24/7 online booking, 40 monthly bookings in free plan Free plan available, other plans not specified
Agile CRM Various, with a focus on CRM integration Online scheduling, calendar sync, embeddable calendar links Starting at $8.99/month
BookSteam Freelancers, entrepreneurs Customizable platform, real-time online scheduling Starting at $19.95/month
Sign In Scheduling (formerly 10to8) Various Automated text reminders, 24/7 online booking Free plan available, other plans not specified
Timely Various Powerful calendar, online booking, automatic updates Starting from approx. $20/month
Booksy (formerly Versum) Hair and beauty salon industry Appointment history, discounts and preferences tracking Free 14-day trial, other plans not specified
Appointy Social media reliant businesses Social media integration, Facebook page embedding Free plan available, Enterprise Plan starting at $59.99/month
vCita SMBs All-in-one business management, automated reminders, calendar management Basic online calendar free, business plan from $39.90/month
Kickserv Various, including field service Customer servicing and scheduling, sophisticated calendar filtering Starting from $26/month
BookedIN Various Online appointment scheduler, payment collection $24/year to $69/year
FrontDesk Fitness and arts industries Client management, mobile-friendly scheduling Starting from $129/month
Bookafy Various Online booking, calendar syncing, payment collection Starting at $19/month
SetMore Various SMS/email reminders, Web/Android/iOS app support $25/month or $199/year
Acuity Scheduling Various Real-time availability, self-booking and rescheduling $0 to $34/month
Xola Various Easy-to-use system, professional plan $99/month
Calendly Various Syncs with Google and Outlook, request-based appointments Free trial, $8 to $12/month
Vagaro Health and fitness industry 24/7 scheduling, booking controls $25/month
SuperSaas Various Online appointments, event/workshop booking Free version available, other plans not specified
PunchPass Yoga and personal training Online class/appointment booking Starting from $34/month

Do you run a business and rely on automated appointment scheduling to help book and manage important appointments and meetings? If so, we’d love to know which appointment scheduling software you use.

Calendar Photo via Shutterstock

More in: Software and Apps


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20 Website Animation Examples We Love


A boring website? In this day and age, that just won’t do. Put yourself into your visitors’ shoes: Would you rather place an order on a super-fast and engaging website, or on a site with a flair of 2001?

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