Learn How to Fund and Grow a New Business from Top SMB Experts
Getting a new business successfully off the ground requires a mix of funding, strategy, and marketing. Members of the online small business community can share insights about all of these areas. See their top tips for starting and growing a new business below.
Highlight Your Startup for Early Funding
Early funding can help get a new business off the ground and provide exciting growth opportunities. But accessing these funds requires you to highlight your startup to make it attractive for potential investors. Marty Zwilling of Startup Professionals Musings elaborates in this post.
Consider a Startup Loan for Your Small Business
If you’re not willing or able to get investors for your new business, a startup loan provides another option. Before seeking this type of funding, it’s important to understand what’s involved and if you qualify. See a guide in this CorpNet post by Nellie Akalp.
Celebrate Professional Milestones with These Promotion Gift Ideas
Whether receiving a promotion or growing your own business, professional milestones deserve recognition. Whether you’re celebrating your own milestones or someone else’s, check out the gift options in this SMB CEO post by Ivan Widjaya.
Consider These Delicious Franchise Ideas
Buying into a franchise can help you get a new business up and running quickly. There are plenty of options available, particularly in the food service industry. If you’re looking for delicious franchise opportunities, consider the options in this Franchise Direct post by Joel Libava.
Use Inbound Marketing to Your Advantage
Once you get a new business off the ground, it’s time to market it to potential customers. Setting up inbound marketing systems is a must. Learn all about this concept in this Notify Visitors post by Sara Williams. Then check out the BizSugar community for even more commentary.
Learn the Fundamentals of Success for Outbound Sales
Outbound sales is another important way to reach customers for your new business. There are several methods you can use to improve in this area. Read this mvpGrow post by Eyal Katz for tips.
Ditch the Generic About Page Template
An about page is one of the first parts of your online presence you should create for a new business. Lots of companies use generic templates and talking points. But a more tailored approach may benefit your business, argues Ivana Taylor in this DIY Marketers post.
Learn About Ranking Factors That Changed in 2023
Google periodically changes which factors contribute to how a website ranks in search results. This can have a huge impact on new and existing businesses. So it’s important to understand the changes. See a list of recent ranking factor changes in this Search Engine Journal post by Shannon Phelps.
Put AI to Work for Better Content Marketing
Artificial intelligence is dramatically changing the way businesses create content. If you know how to harness this technology, it can make marketing your new business significantly easier. Learn more in this Content Marketing Institute post by Jodi Harris.
Supercharge Your Marketing with These SEO Tools
Since SEO is such a huge part of marketing for both new and existing businesses, there are tons of tools available to help in this area. So how do you know which are the best? Sandeep Mallya goes over the top options in this 99signals post. And BizSugar members shared their own thoughts here.
If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.
Image: Envato Elements
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