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What is a Virtual Assistant – and 47 Tasks They Can Do for You

What is a Virtual Assistant – and 47 Tasks They Can Do for You


A reader asks:

What does a virtual assistant do? And how can one help my business? I run a small business but the volume of emails and customer inquiries has exploded. It’s challenging to stay organized. Yet we can’t afford to hire a full-time administrative assistant or office manager — nor do we have the space, because our office is tiny. A colleague suggested I hire a virtual assistant. Can you give me some idea of the types of tasks a virtual assistant can do?   

— Howard from Albuquerque, New Mexico 

Howard, this is a great question. Yes, we will explain exactly what a virtual assistant does.  We’ll go one better for you.

At the end of this article we outline 42 different tasks a virtual assistant (VA) can do for a small business, so that you have examples to draw on.  But first, let’s answer some basic information.

What is a Virtual Assistant

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant, often shortened to VA, is a professional who operates in a remote working environment, providing assistance in various areas such as administrative tasks, business development initiatives, social media management, marketing campaigns, and much more.

These professionals are pivotal in the day-to-day operation of small businesses, entrepreneurs, and managerial roles, offering support by managing recurring tasks and handling administrative work that otherwise consumes valuable time.

While these assistants typically operate from their home offices, their geographic location can be anywhere – in the United States or overseas.

Virtual assistants have seen an upsurge in their popularity within small businesses in the past decade, primarily due to their flexibility.

Depending on your business needs, a VA can be hired part-time or full-time. Whether you require their services for 20 hours, 30 hours, or even a full 40-hour week, VAs provide versatility to cater to your unique requirements.

The compensation model for virtual assistants can be quite varied. Some may prefer to be paid by the hour, while others might opt for a fixed weekly or monthly stipend.

In many cases, you may find a better value proposition by hiring a full-time virtual assistant for several reasons:

  • Prices can be surprisingly affordable, especially for offshore workers.
  • It’s easier to integrate a full-time assistant into regular workflows and get deeper benefit from the arrangement.
  • A full-time VA will be better positioned to learn any special software apps you require, develop cordial relationships with co-workers and customers, and grow with you as the business grows.

There are two primary types of virtual assistants – independent freelancers and those associated with a company or agency.

When you collaborate with a virtual assistant company, you often communicate with a manager who comprehends your needs and ensures you get a VA that is the best fit for your operations.

Virtual Assistant

Benefits of a Virtual Assistant  

In the fast-paced business world, the use of a virtual assistant can significantly amplify your productivity. Consider this – how a business owner or a key manager allocates their time could be the most critical determinant of business success.

Thus, it is imperative for them to concentrate on high-value activities and strategic matters, leaving routine and administrative tasks to their reliable virtual assistant.

Rob Levin, Chairman of Work Better Now, puts it this way, drawing from his own experience.

“In order to spend time on high-value activities, it was important for me to spend less time on lower-value activities. This is why I not only hired a virtual assistant 5 years ago but why I co-founded a company, Work Better Now , to provide virtual assistants to other business owners.”

Levin’s partner Andrew Cohen and Work Better Now’s CEO, says the most common question asked by the company’s prospective clients is “what can a virtual assistant do for me?”

To answer that question, Cohen provides a list of 47 tasks a virtual assistant can do.

47 Tasks a Virtual Assistant Can Do

A virtual assistant is a highly skilled independent contractor who remotely performs a plethora of tasks. Ranging from scheduling appointments to screening and responding to emails, a VA’s duties are far-reaching.

Yet, scheduling and emails are just the tip of the iceberg. If a task can be done online, a VA is more than capable of executing it.

This resource is your comprehensive guide to navigating the world of virtual assistants, clarifying their roles and highlighting the significant benefits they can bring to your business.

What is a Virtual Assistant calender

Calendar Management

The task of managing a calendar, both professional and personal, often poses one of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs.

Virtual assistants step in here, transforming a daunting task into an effortless process by providing reminders and scheduling appointments. They offer the following services:

1. Coordinate and schedule calls and appointments.  A task that can save business owners approximately 10 hours a week, freeing them from doing these tasks they find cumbersome.

The key to success here is providing your VA with clear rules about scheduling, including whom and when to schedule. They can also assist in coordinating schedules for other team members.

2. Confirm appointments. It’s a best practice to provide your VA with a list of appointments to confirm, particularly for the next day. This practice can prevent time wastage caused by forgotten appointments or last-minute cancellations from the other party.

3. Provide reminders about calls and appointments.It can be easy to forget to make a call, particularly when you’re out of the office or in back-to-back meetings. A VA can provide timely reminders, calling or texting you a few minutes before your commitment to ensure you remember.

4. Reschedule calls and appointments. A VA also serves as your communication bridge, informing the other party of any schedule changes and confirming the rescheduled time.

5. Provide notice of schedule changes to others. The virtual assistant will also provide notice to the other party and get the rescheduled time confirmed.

6. Protect time. VAs can also help protect your time from unnecessary interruptions. They can step in and politely decline requests for meetings that may not be a top priority.

7. Send and maintain a “pending list”. Virtual assistants can provide you with a weekly list of individuals who haven’t responded to meeting or call requests, alerting you when your intervention may be needed.

8. Inform significant others when you will be  out of town. VAs can also keep your loved ones informed about your travel schedule. They can share a calendar invite with the out-of-town dates and your flight and hotel details, ensuring seamless communication.

What is a Virtual Assistant

Email and Contact Management and Communications

In the digital age, a massive volume of emails can inundate your inbox, and maintaining an up-to-date contact list can become a task in itself.

This is where the expertise of a virtual assistant comes into play. By entrusting these tasks to a VA, you can reclaim precious hours of your time. Here’s a look at the range of activities a VA can handle:

9. Screen emails. Virtual assistants can manage your inbox based on specific rules set by you. They can perform tasks such as deleting, responding, forwarding emails or flagging critical ones for your attention.

10. Add people to contacts. Every time you engage with someone new, be it a call, meeting, or any other form of interaction, your VA can ensure that the person’s details are promptly added to your contacts.

11. Update people’s info to contacts. There could be instances where you don’t immediately have access to all of a contact’s information. In such cases, a VA can gradually fill in these gaps, adding information to contacts as and when it becomes available, such as details from an email signature.

12. Add contacts to CRM. A key reason small businesses don’t leverage their CRM application effectively is the time-consuming data entry involved. Your VA can take on this task, adding to and organizing your CRM system.

virtual Assistant

Phone Tasks

When you require someone to handle phone interactions or even carry out light receptionist duties without the need for a physical presence, a virtual assistant can rise to the occasion.

13. Perform light receptionist duties. There are instances when you may expect important calls but might not be available to answer them personally. This is where a virtual assistant becomes invaluable.

By redirecting such calls to your VA, you can ensure you don’t miss any vital communication, while also being able to focus on your primary tasks at hand without interruptions.

14. Transcribe voicemails. In our fast-paced digital age, most voicemails can be accessed via email. These can be forwarded to your VA who, apart from transcribing the voicemail content, can also conduct any necessary follow-up activities.

This could include reaching out to the caller or setting reminders for you to respond, thereby streamlining your communication processes.

What is a Virtual Assistant travel


The task of organizing flights and hotels for business travel can be a surprisingly time-consuming process, often pulling you away from your core business operations. This is where the skills of a virtual assistant can prove indispensable. A VA can handle:

15. Research flights. Given your specific criteria such as preferred airlines, seating arrangements, and timings, a VA can perform a thorough analysis of various flight options.

They can then present you with the best alternatives, ensuring that you not only travel comfortably but also save a considerable amount of time over the course of a year.

16. Research hotels. In a manner similar to flight research, your VA can delve into hotel options based on your unique preferences.

This can include factors like the type of accommodation, location, available amenities, and any special rates you may be entitled to. They can then compile a shortlisted selection, saving you the hassle of browsing through numerous options.

17. Book flights and hotels. With your decisions made and armed with your credit card and frequent flyer information, your VA can take care of the booking process.

This can be a tedious task to handle personally, but a VA can manage this efficiently, saving you time and reducing the likelihood of errors.

18. Research transportation options. This encompasses various possibilities, from rental cars and rideshares to even local public transportation, depending on your preference and the nature of your travel.

19. Book transportation. Once the best options are identified, your VA can take it a step further and handle the bookings, akin to the way they manage your flight and hotel arrangements. This ensures a seamless travel experience from start to finish.

20. Arrange for events. If your trip involves attending or hosting events, your VA can handle the research and make the necessary arrangements. This could include finding a suitable restaurant for a business dinner, booking a meeting space, or even securing tickets for a local concert.

21. Suspend newspaper or mail. When you’re away, your VA can ensure regular services at your residence, such as newspaper delivery or mail, are temporarily suspended. This adds another layer of convenience to your travels and ensures your home operations are taken care of in your absence.

Virtual Assistant business development

Business Development

When it comes to the task of business development, the workload can be substantial and multifaceted.

From researching potential leads on platforms like LinkedIn to finding crucial contact information like email addresses, these activities often entail time-consuming groundwork.

A virtual assistant can take the reins of these tasks, allowing you to devote your focus on the interpersonal interactions pivotal to making successful sales.

22. Research leads on LinkedIn. For B2B businesses, and occasionally B2C operations, maintaining a list of potential clients is an imperative task. After gaining a deep understanding of your requirements, a virtual assistant can conduct a thorough search on LinkedIn, creating an exhaustive list of prospects that align with your ideal client profile.

23. Find email addresses. A VA can skillfully navigate databases and employ effective Google search strategies to locate the email addresses of potential clients you’re looking to contact. This not only ensures you have the correct contact information but saves you the time and effort of finding it yourself.

24. Design presentations. Your VA can add a professional touch to your proposals by locating and inserting the prospect’s logo and matching the text color accordingly. Furthermore, they can enhance the presentation by animating slides as required, giving you an edge in your business development efforts.


As your business grows, it inevitably results in an increased demand for various management functions. This could include tasks like assembling reports for clients, which might require collating vast amounts of existing data.

Or perhaps you’re looking to expand your team and need assistance with recruitment activities. Your virtual assistant can shoulder these responsibilities, providing you with the time and flexibility to focus on more strategic aspects of your business

25. Assemble reports. A VA can design and generate reports that track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at predetermined intervals. These reports provide a clear snapshot of your business’s performance, helping you make informed decisions.

26. Help to recruit employees. The struggle to find the right talent can often be as intense as the competition for clients, if not more so.

Your VA can screen LinkedIn profiles based on the criteria you provide, compiling a list of potential candidates that might be a good fit for your team. This not only simplifies your recruitment process but ensures that you have a wider pool of talent to choose from.

What is a VA


If managing the financial aspects of your business such as maintaining books or sending out invoices induces a sense of dread in you, it might be time to delegate these tasks to a virtual assistant.

27. Maintain the books. With appropriate training and instructions, your virtual assistant can handle financial tasks such as reviewing and matching transactions, and conducting monthly reconciliations. This ensures a streamlined bookkeeping process and consistent financial records for your business.

28. Create and send invoices. By utilizing invoice templates, a virtual assistant can draft professional invoices and distribute them to your clients. This ensures timely and accurate billing, contributing to healthy cash flow.

29. Chase down payments. Establishing an accounts receivable process is crucial for all businesses. Your VA can follow this process to collect payments that are due, which can include escalating the issue to the business owner or the relevant person when necessary.

Personal Errands

Managing personal life responsibilities alongside a thriving business can be demanding. Tasks such as making restaurant reservations or sending out gifts are integral to maintaining your personal relationships.

However, they can also be time-consuming. By leveraging the services of a virtual assistant, you can navigate these responsibilities more efficiently.

30. Make personal restaurant reservations. With access to your personal preferences and login details for reservation platforms like Open Table, your VA can make restaurant bookings on your behalf and even coordinate with the guests.

31. Make purchases. Sometimes, even platforms like Amazon might not have what you need, or the purchase process can be too tedious. Your VA can help with online shopping to secure the items you need.

32. Research and send gifts. For occasions when a generic gift card doesn’t suffice, your assistant can find something distinctive and arrange for its delivery.

33. Manage the logistics for your hobby. Whether it’s securing a studio for your garage band rehearsals or organizing your book club’s meetings, a VA can alleviate the logistical burdens, allowing you to indulge in your hobbies without stress.

34. Track down problem orders. When an order doesn’t arrive on time, your VA can liaise with the supplier, handling hold times and troubleshooting, keeping you informed throughout the process.

35. Manage the family calendar. Scheduling family events and tracking appointments can be seamlessly handled by your virtual assistant, freeing up more of your personal time.

36. Schedule medical appointments. Given relevant details such as birth dates and insurance information, a VA can arrange doctor’s visits and even start filling out the requisite paperwork.

37. Pay personal bills. For infrequent purchases or vendors who don’t offer online payment options, a virtual assistant can manage the bill payments.

38. Call stores to get information. Whether you’re hunting for a rare bottle of Scotch or a special gift, your VA can make the necessary calls to find the store stocking the item you’re searching for.

what is a VA


As a small business owner, your focus should be on strategic planning for your company’s future, conceptualizing new products and services, and driving initiatives that will elevate your business. Therefore, operational tasks such as filling out online forms and managing files can be delegated to a reliable support system, a virtual assistant.

39. Fill out online forms. Your virtual assistant, equipped with pertinent company details, can fill out various forms, such as those necessary for subscribing to Software as a Service (SaaS) products, saving you precious time.

40. Take notes from webinars. When you’re interested in the content of a webinar but can’t allocate time to watch it, even if it’s on-demand, your VA can “attend” on your behalf, note down key points and provide you with a comprehensive summary.

41. Convert files. If you’re in need of a different file format, say, a JPEG instead of a PDF, your VA can handle the conversion for you.

42. Conduct research. Your VA can carry out initial research for crucial decisions, such as evaluating various SaaS products to ascertain which one would be the most suitable for your needs.

43. Set up projects in your project management system. A VA can set up new projects in your project management tool and extend invitations to the relevant participants, ensuring a smooth kick-off.

44. Handle file management. Be it Dropbox or a local server for file storage, your virtual assistant can ensure appropriate file organization with accurate naming conventions. They also ensure access permissions are correctly allocated.

45. Schedule social media. Your virtual assistant can streamline your social media strategy by scheduling your posts according to the process you’ve outlined.

46. Proofread and edit letters, blogs and presentations. Overwhelming workloads can sometimes lead to inadvertent errors. Your VA can help proofread and edit important communications like letters, blogs, and presentations, ensuring professional and error-free content.

47. Maintain a virtual assistant manual. Business owners often prefer establishing processes over strictly adhering to them. Your VA can keep a manual documenting their tasks, which proves handy, especially during unexpected absences.

Here’s a summary of the diverse range of tasks that a Virtual Assistant can handle, all neatly packaged in a convenient comparison table.

Task Category Examples of Tasks a VA Can Perform
Calendar Management Scheduling appointments, providing reminders, rescheduling appointments
Email and Contact Management Screening emails, updating contacts, adding contacts to CRM
Phone Tasks Light receptionist duties, transcribing voicemails
Travel Arrangements Researching and booking flights/hotels, arranging transportation, suspending regular services
Business Development Researching leads, finding email addresses, designing presentations
Management Tasks Assembling reports, helping recruit employees
Accounting Maintaining books, creating invoices, managing accounts receivable
Personal Errands Making reservations, online shopping, managing personal schedules
Operations Filling out forms, taking webinar notes, managing files, scheduling social media
Tasks a VA Does Not Perform Varies depending on specific VA services, rules, and boundaries

More Tasks a Virtual Assistant Can Do

Expanding the scope of what a Virtual Assistant (VA) can do for your business opens up even more opportunities for efficiency and growth. Here are additional tasks that showcase the versatility and comprehensive capabilities of a VA:

48. Data Entry and Database Management: A VA can manage and update databases, entering new data, and ensuring that all records are accurate and up-to-date.

49. Online Research for Business Development: A VA can conduct in-depth market research, competitor analysis, or find potential business opportunities and partnerships.

50. Handling Online Purchases and Returns: Managing online transactions, tracking orders, handling returns or exchanges can also be efficiently managed by a VA.

51. Website Maintenance: Basic website updates, content uploading, and monitoring for functionality issues can be assigned to a skilled VA.

52. Managing Affiliate Programs: If your business is involved in affiliate marketing, a VA can manage affiliate relationships, track program performance, and coordinate payouts.

53. Customer Feedback Collection and Analysis: Collecting and compiling customer feedback, conducting surveys, and analyzing the results to provide actionable insights for business improvement.

Things a Virtual Assistant Does Not Do

Of course, there are a few things your virtual assistant won’t do. You needn’t worry about a virtual assistant’s attitude if you ask them to do something.  A VA does not:

  • Roll his or her eyes at you. At least you won’t see it if it happens! And you won’t “hear” it in any communication.
  • Require a bigger office or another desk. These folks won’t be sharing your office space, so there’s no need to make extra room.
  • Interject drama.  With virtual assistants you won’t have big egos to coddle. You won’t need to walk on eggshells or worry about gossip overriding professionalism. The nature of the relationship being long distance means office drama is nonexistent.

Next Steps to Get a Virtual Assistant

  • Identify the tasks in your business that would be best to outsource. Hint: Focus on tasks that do not require your expertise. Ask yourself if the task is the best use of your time or would be better done by someone else?

Once you’ve identified the tasks best suited for outsourcing, the next step is to find the right VA who can seamlessly integrate into your business operations. Services like Work Better Now can match you with VAs that not only fit your needs but also align with your business’s ethos and culture.

Incorporating a VA into your business strategy is not just about delegating tasks; it’s about empowering your business to reach its full potential. Whether it’s scaling up operations, enhancing customer engagement, or simply achieving a better work-life balance, a VA can be a pivotal part of your success story.

Remember, the role of a VA is not just to take tasks off your plate; it’s also about bringing in new perspectives, efficiency, and skills that you might not possess. This collaboration can lead to innovative solutions and strategies for your business.

By choosing the right VA, you’re not just hiring a virtual assistant; you’re investing in a partnership that can drive your business forward. So, take the time to assess your needs, explore your options, and embrace the journey towards more streamlined and effective business operations with the right Virtual Assistant by your side.

For more information about virtual assistants, read:

All answers to reader questions come from the Small Business Trends Editorial Board, with more than 50 years of combined business experience. If you would like to submit a question, please submit it here.

Image: Depositphotos.com


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The Impact of the SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee Program in 2023


The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has released its 2023 rankings for the most active surety companies and agencies. This announcement highlights the pivotal role of the SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee (SBG) Program in enabling small businesses to secure over $2.2 billion in contracts, thereby supporting more than 37,000 jobs nationwide.

Jermaine Perry, the director of the Office of Surety Guarantees, remarked on the program’s unprecedented success in fiscal year 2023, stating, “This past fiscal year marks the best-performing year in 25 years for guaranteeing bid and final bonds.” He credited this achievement to the “unwavering dedication of our surety partners and agencies,” whose collaboration with the SBA was crucial in realizing these goals.

The SBG Program, working in tandem with surety companies and their agents, offers guarantees for small businesses on various projects, ranging from federal to local levels. This initiative extends beyond financial support and includes educating the businesses on the bonding process, advising on increasing bond limits, and facilitating connections with other business resources like construction attorneys and CPAs.

Katie Frost, acting associate administrator for the Office of Capital Access, emphasized the program’s impact on local economies, saying, “Our active SBG Program partners help the SBA open doors to bonding for small businesses, creating new jobs, and growing local economies.”

In fiscal 2023, the SBA guaranteed bonds for more than 1,800 small businesses, with a total contract value exceeding $7.3 billion. The top-performing surety company partners and bonding agencies for the year were recognized for their contributions to the program’s success. These partners, including American Contractors Indemnity Company and Merchants Bonding Company, among others, were pivotal in facilitating these contracts.

The SBA’s Office of Surety Guarantees continues to champion small and emerging businesses through its bond guarantee offerings. The program supports bid, performance, and payment bonds for contracts up to $6.5 million and up to $10 million for federal contracts under specific conditions.

For businesses seeking bonding support, the SBA also offers a simplified bond guarantee application through its QuickApp, catering to contracts up to $500,000. This streamlined process promises limited paperwork and quick approvals, often within a day.

As fiscal year 2024 approaches, the SBA, led by figures like Perry and Frost, aims to expand its reach and efficacy. The success of the SBG Program in 2023 serves as a testament to the SBA’s commitment to empowering small businesses, ensuring they remain competitive and robust contributors to the U.S. economy.

Image: Depositphotos


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10 Reddit Statistics You Should Know in 2024 [Infographic]

10 Reddit Statistics You Should Know in 2024 [Infographic]


You don’t have to be a social media expert to have heard of Reddit.

Though it’s generally known as a social media site, the way it works is pretty different from other social networks like Facebook and Instagram.

For starters, Reddit is a massive forum with a heavy focus on its communities. Reposts are also generally not accepted by its users.

These differences are what makes Reddit a pretty unique social network that requires a different strategy altogether if you’re thinking of marketing on Reddit. But first, you need to get the basics of Reddit and its user base right. 

In this article, we’ll present ten Reddit statistics every marketer should know. We’ll cover everything from the demographics of Reddit users and also present to you some subreddit stats so you understand how to leverage them.

Ready? Let’s get to it.

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1. How Many People Use Reddit?

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The very first thing you need to know is the number of Reddit users around the world. 

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According to the latest figures in 2022, there are 50 million daily active Reddit users worldwide (DataReportal, 2022). This is a slight 3.8 percent fall from the 52 million daily active users it had a year ago. 

The number of Reddit users ballooned since its launch in 2005. In fact, from 2015 to 2019, the number of Reddit users logging into the platform at least once a month grew by a whopping 258.33 percent

Experts credit the popularity of the platform to the relative anonymity users have when navigating and posting on the platform. Unlike many other social networks, Reddit can be used with just a username and email address. The strong niche communities and high standards of moderation are other reasons there are millions of consumers worldwide using Reddit every day.

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With such a large number of Reddit users, it should come as no surprise that Reddit ranks among the most popular social media platforms. 

The latest Reddit statistics show that it is currently the tenth most-used social networking site in the United States (DataReportal, 2023). More specifically, 29.3 percent of US internet users say they are Reddit users. 

However, when comparing Reddit with the top ranked social media platforms, it remains quite some distance behind leaders Facebook and Instagram and there’s still quite a way to go before Reddit catches up to them—74.2 percent of US consumers use Facebook, and 60.5 percent use Instagram.

Reddit’s global popularity as a social media platform is much lower. A recent ranking of the 15 most-used social platforms worldwide does not feature Reddit. This is as competitors like Snapchat and Instagram make the list. 

Nevertheless, these Reddit statistics show that the platform remains wildly popular, especially among males. More than six out of every ten Reddit users (63.1 percent) identify as male.

3. Desktop Traffic From Reddit Users

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Now that we have an idea of how many people use Reddit and its popularity, let’s take a look at where users are accessing it from.

The latest Reddit statistics show that nearly half (47.5 percent) of its desktop traffic originates from the US, a clear sign of its popularity there (SimilarWeb, 2022). As a matter of fact, Reddit is the 12th most popular website in the US. 

This is followed by the United Kingdom and Canada with around seven percent each, and Australia with 4.14 percent. 

It’s clear from these Reddit statistics that the platform is more popular among English-speaking communities. Germany is the only non-English-speaking country to rank in the top five, contributing to 3.29 percent of Reddit’s total desktop traffic.

4. How Long Do Reddit Users Spend on the Site

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The previous Reddit statistics are certainly proof that it’s a popular platform among social media users. But how much time are they dedicating to Reddit?

From posting and commenting to upvoting and simply reading, there’s so much Reddit users can do on the site that it’s not unheard of to spend up to hours on end browsing Reddit. On average, however, Reddit users spend just under eight minutes on the site per visit (Similarweb, 2023). During this time, the average Reddit user visits just over six different pages. 

The bounce rate of Reddit’s total site visits stands at 41.22 percent. In other words, around four in ten users who visit Reddit leave the site after having visited just one page.

5. Reddit Demographics: Age

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This then begs the question: What are Reddit’s demographics like and, more specifically, how old are its users?

According to the latest Reddit statistics, the site is the most popular among users in the 18 to 29 age group (Marketing Charts, 2021). As many as 36 percent of US adults in this age range use Reddit—more than one in three.

This is followed by 22 percent for the 30 to 49 range, which shows that Reddit is clearly more popular among younger adults. From this point on, usage starts to decrease as age increases. 

The same statistics show that ten percent of US adults between the ages of 50 and 64 use Reddit, and this figure dips further to just three percent for those aged 65 and above.

6. Number of Subreddits

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Understanding just how big Reddit’s network is requires us to first answer the question: What is a subreddit?

Reddit is essentially made up of subreddits, also known as communities, where users get together to talk about the different topics that correspond to the subreddit’s title. These communities form the core of Reddit and it’s what analysts attribute to its popularity and success.

The number of subreddits has been growing consistently since Reddit was founded 16 years ago. To date, there are more than 2.8 million subreddits (Reddit Metrics, 2021). From general topics like tech and environment to very specific niches, it’s pretty safe to say that there’s a subreddit for nearly every topic under the sun. 

If you’re thinking about marketing on Reddit, one of the first steps would be to participate in these subreddits to understand what your target audience is talking about and their interests.

7. Reddit Statistics: Number of Active Communities

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Despite the high number of subreddits, many of them haven’t seen a discussion going on in a long time. Reddit considers a subreddit, or community, to be active when it receives at least five comments a day.

According to the latest Reddit statistics, there are currently more than 100,000 active communities on the platform (Reddit, 2023). 

With higher activity, views, and engagements, these active communities may look like a good place to do some marketing in. But here’s a word of caution: If you’re thinking about leveraging the traffic there, you will want to proceed with much care.

Reddit users are generally not very tolerant of content that they deem to be too promotional or sales-y and will not hesitate to flag it as spam. By far, the best form of marketing on Reddit is to simply participate and engage with the community. Alternatively, consider using Reddit ads.

8. Best Time to Post on Reddit

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To ensure your Reddit posts get full visibility, you need to be strategic about them. However, the latest Reddit statistics show that in order to post during the best times, you may need to work outside of normal office hours. 

As a general rule of thumb, weekends and Mondays are the best time to post on Reddit (X-Cart, 2020). Keeping in mind that most Reddit users are from the US, you’ll also want to post when they’re most likely to be browsing the platform.

Research shows that Reddit users are most active in the mornings. When posting on a Monday, try to do so between 6 am and 8 am. 

The best hours to post on weekends are pushed back a little as Reddit users catch up on sleep. The ideal time to post on Reddit on Saturday is between 7 am and 9 am and from 8 am to noon on Sundays.

9. Reddit Statistics: Ideal Post Length

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If upvotes are what you’re looking for, then this Reddit statistic is an important one to keep in mind.

An analysis of 30,000 top posts in the top subreddit shows that the best-performing Reddit posts have titles that are under 120 characters (Foundation, 2019). More specifically, titles of between 60 and 80 characters perform the best and receive the highest amount of upvotes.

However, you should avoid keeping it too short. By that, we mean under 20 characters as the average number of upvotes for these posts falls by as many as 1,200 compared to those in the 60 to 80 bracket. Posts with less than 20 characters actually also perform the worst. 

Titles that are too long may also be detrimental. Those that have 120 characters or more receive much fewer upvotes (fewer than 8,000).

So when thinking of a title for your Reddit post, it’s best to adopt a Goldilocks mindset: not too short and not too long.

10. Video Usage on Reddit

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Reddit’s content today isn’t limited to just plain text and images. In 2017, Reddit rolled out its very own native video feature to allow users to upload their own videos onto the platform (as long as they’re shorter than 15 minutes) instead of posting links to third-party sites like YouTube.

This feature has exploded in popularity since and Reddit users are now watching a whopping 1.4 billion native videos on the platform every month (Reddit, 2018). According to the company, videos now constitute a big proportion of the content users are currently sharing on the site. 

Reddit is also constantly working on improving its features to allow users to do more with videos. They’ve recently launched Image Gallery, which allows users to include multiple images in their posts and is expected to provide similar support for videos very soon.


We hope that these Reddit statistics have helped you to better understand the platform and its users. Above all, you should now have the basic information you need to craft a Reddit marketing strategy.

As long as you keep in mind the above Reddit users and subreddit stats, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Reddit marketing.

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Summary: Reddit Statistics

Here’s a summary of the Reddit statistics you need to know in 2024:

  1. There are 50 million daily active Reddit users worldwide.
  2. Reddit is the tenth most popular social network in the US.
  3. Nearly half of Reddit’s desktop traffic comes from US users.
  4. Reddit users spend on average seven minutes and 59 seconds per visit on the site.
  5. Reddit is the most popular among users aged 18 to 29. Over one in three US adults in this age range uses Reddit.
  6. There are currently more than 2.8 million subreddits.
  7. Reddit boasts more than 100,000 active communities.
  8. The best times to post on Reddit are in the mornings on weekends and Mondays.
  9. Reddit posts with title lengths between 20 and 80 characters perform the best.
  10. Reddit users watch 1.4 billion native videos on the platform every month.
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Want to Learn More?

Is there anything else you’d like to know about Reddit statistics and wish was included in this article? Let us know in the comments below!


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25 Most Popular Office Snacks – And How to Get Them Delivered

25 Most Popular Office Snacks – And How to Get Them Delivered


Snacking plays a pivotal role in shaping the atmosphere and culture within an office. If you run a small business it can be a smart move to keep your office break room well-stocked with an array of popular office snacks.

Having a diverse selection of snacks contributes to keeping your employees content, nourished, and functioning at their optimum capacity. This list presents a compilation of some of the most sought-after office snacks for your consideration.

These range from health-conscious options loaded with essential nutrients to a handful of treats that cater to indulgent sweet or salty cravings.

Our selection ensures that there’s something for everyone, promoting inclusivity and satisfaction.

Choosing the Best Office Snacks: A Guide to Satisfying and Energizing Selections

Office snacks are more than just a quick bite. They can energize a team, foster community, and even boost productivity. Given their role in shaping workplace culture, choosing the right snacks is paramount. Let’s delve into the criteria we use to curate a list of popular office snacks. Each is rated on an importance scale from 10 to 1, where 10 is most important and 1 is least important.

  1. Nutritional Value
    • Scale Importance: 10/10
    • The right nutrients can power through an afternoon slump. We prioritize snacks that provide a balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.
  2. Portion Control
    • Scale Importance: 9/10
    • Overindulgence can lead to lethargy. Snacks that come in single-serving packages or encourage moderation get our nod.
  3. Diversity of Flavors
    • Scale Importance: 9/10
    • A varied snack menu can cater to diverse palates and dietary restrictions. We value a broad spectrum of flavors and types.
  4. Freshness and Shelf Life
    • Scale Importance: 8/10
    • No one likes a stale snack. We lean towards options that either have a long shelf life or can be easily replenished and stored.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness
    • Scale Importance: 8/10
    • Budget considerations are essential. We assess the quality and quantity of snacks against their price point.
  6. Health Conscious Options
    • Scale Importance: 9/10
    • With the rise of health and wellness trends, snacks that cater to diets like keto, vegan, or gluten-free are essential.
  7. Sustainability and Ethical Practices
    • Scale Importance: 8/10
    • Many modern workplaces prioritize sustainability. Snacks that have eco-friendly packaging or come from ethical sources resonate with such values.
  8. Ease of Consumption
    • Scale Importance: 7/10
    • In an office setting, messy snacks can be a hassle. We favor those that are easy to consume without causing a cleanup challenge.
  9. Popularity and General Acceptance
    • Scale Importance: 8/10
    • While novelty is great, there are classic snacks that have stood the test of time in office settings. These popular options often find a place on our list.

Balancing taste, health, and practicality, our recommended snacks aim to energize and satisfy office teams. Through our criteria, we hope to present options that not only taste great but also align with the broader values and needs of a modern workplace.

popular office snacks

Office Snacks


Whether you’re a fan of almonds, pistachios or another option, nuts are a nutritional source of protein, with about 27 grams per cup. They’re also very portable and available in ready-made packages, which promotes portion control and ease of consumption. Or you can buy them in bulk and separate them into smaller containers as needed.

String Cheese

String cheese is very easy to transport and usually available in individual packaging. You can easily stock up your office fridge with these options, which are a good source of calcium.


Jerky is dried meat that’s easy to store and transport. It’s a good source of lean protein, and available in beef, turkey and a variety of other meat options.


Whole wheat crackers provide fiber and other nutrients in a very convenient package. You can also pair them with meat, cheese and veggies to make an even healthier and tastier snack.

Veggie Chips

There are tons of options now for dried vegetables transformed into salty snacks like chips. You can find kale, seaweed, carrots and more. Some even come in pre-made bags for simple portion control and ease.

Dark Chocolate

For the office sweet tooth, dark chocolate is a good source of antioxidants and is generally more nutritious that milk chocolate and other types of candy.

Trail Mix

You can also add a bit of sweetness and saltiness to your office pantry with pre-made or homemade trail mix. This usually contains some combination of nuts, chocolate, dried fruit and pretzels. It’s a cost-effective option that generally has a long shelf life.


Yogurt is a very popular option for the office fridge. You can find options that contain fruit, nuts or other toppings. Or you could opt for Greek yogurt with lots of protein.

office snacks


Granola usually consists of rolled oats, nuts and sweetener. It can be eaten on its own or mixed with another snack like yogurt. There are tons of varieties to choose from, or you can even make your own.

Protein Bars

Protein bars are a really simple snack that are easy to take to meetings or sales calls. There are tons of different manufacturers out there with different flavors and ingredients.


If you want to add some fruit to your office kitchen, apples are a simple, handheld option that provide a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

popular office snack


When it comes to veggies, consider adding some baby carrots to your fridge. These are simple to carry and don’t create a lot of mess around the office.


Not all popular office snacks are necessarily super healthy. If you just need a quick bite of something salty, chips are one of the most readily available options.


A slightly more healthy option than chips, popcorn is fairly light and still offers that satisfying crunch and salty flavor.


Another fruit option, bananas are easy to transport and provide tons of potassium, magnesium and Vitamin C.

Dried Fruit

Lots of other fruit options can be a bit messy for the office. But you can purchase dried fruit that’s really simple to eat and carry around the office.


Or you could opt for applesauce, which is available in individual packages so you can eat it with a spoon right at your desk.


Hummus is a great source of plant-based protein, so it’s perfect for those who don’t consume animal products. You can easily enjoy it with crackers or veggies throughout the day.


Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and similar items are often rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. You can enjoy them on their own or mix them with nearly any other type of snack for some extra nutrition. They have a long shelf life and are easy to keep and enjoy around your desk.

popular office snack seeds

Nut Butter

From traditional peanut butter to trendier options like almond butter, this type of snack can be spread on crackers or veggies. It includes lots of protein and healthy fats.

Energy Bites

If you want to stock your office kitchen with some homemade options, energy bites can be made with oats, seeds, nut butter, chocolate, and sweetener. It’s a perfect way to add some healthy sweetness to your office snack mix.

Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are essentially large, flat crackers made of dehydrated and condensed rice. You can add extra flavor with nut butter or other toppings. They even come in multiple flavors and varieties.


Muffins aren’t known for being the most healthy options. But you can find products that include blueberries or other fruit to add some nutrients. You could also opt for sprouted muffins or homemade options that include less fat and carbs.


Again, traditional cookies aren’t the most healthy office snack. But they are easily portable and available in tons of different flavors. You can even opt for protein cookies if you want to keep things as healthy as possible.

Protein Shakes

For those who prefer to drink their snacks, protein shakes are easy and portable. You can purchase pre-made ones or purchase protein powder to make your own.

popular office snacks

Here is a concise summary of some of the best office snacks you can consider, highlighting their key nutritional benefits and unique characteristics.

Snack Key Benefits Special Characteristics
Nuts High in protein, good fats Portable, available in ready-made packages
String Cheese Good source of calcium and protein Easy to transport, individually packaged
Jerky Good source of lean protein Available in various meat options, easy to store
Crackers Provides fiber and other nutrients Can be paired with other snacks
Veggie Chips Lower in fat than regular chips Made from a variety of dried vegetables
Dark Chocolate Good source of antioxidants Healthier than milk chocolate and other candies
Trail Mix High in protein and fiber Mix of nuts, chocolate, dried fruit, and pretzels
Yogurt Good for gut health, high in protein Available with fruit, nuts, or other toppings
Granola High in fiber and nutrients Made of rolled oats and nuts, can be mixed with other snacks
Protein Bars High in protein Available in different flavors and ingredients
Apples High in fiber, Vitamin C Easy to transport and consume
Carrots High in Vitamin A Easy to carry, do not create a lot of mess
Chips Quick energy source Quick bite of something salty
Popcorn Lower in fat than chips, high in fiber Light, provides satisfying crunch and salty flavor
Bananas High in potassium, Vitamin C, and fiber Easy to transport
Dried Fruit High in fiber and vitamins Easy to eat and carry around the office
Applesauce High in fiber and Vitamin C Available in individual packages
Hummus High in fiber, protein, and healthy fats Can be enjoyed with crackers or veggies
Seeds High in fiber, healthy fats, and protein Can be mixed with other snacks for added nutrition
Nut Butter High in protein and healthy fats Can be spread on crackers or veggies
Energy Bites High in protein and fiber Homemade options, can be made with oats, seeds, etc.
Rice Cakes Low in calories, can be high in fiber Can be topped with nut butter or other toppings
Muffins Can be a good source of fiber Available with fruit, can be healthier with less fat and carbs
Cookies Quick energy source Available in different flavors, healthier options available
Protein Shakes High in protein, can also include vitamins and minerals Easy and portable, can be pre-made or homemade

popular office snacks

Office Snacks Delivery Options

For busy entrepreneurs, ensuring a consistent supply of office snacks might seem like an added task on an already lengthy to-do list.

A practical and time-saving solution is leveraging a snack delivery service. Numerous providers offer varied solutions, ranging from subscription-based services that ensure a regular delivery of assorted snacks, to grocery delivery options or online ordering platforms.

Each caters to diverse needs, offering flexibility and convenience while maintaining your snack inventory.

Instacart is a delivery service that works with local grocery stores. You can pick out specific snack items that you want for your office and have them brought right to you.

Love With Food is a subscription service that provides you with a monthly selection of different snack options. You can choose gluten free or organic options to make sure the snacks fit with your specific preferences. This may be best for a home office or small team.

AmazonFresh offers fast grocery delivery to select locations throughout the country. You can order from Whole Foods or Amazon’s stock of various grocery items. Just be sure it’s available for your business’s location, and you can order snacks just as you would any other items on Amazon.

SnackNation offers a snack delivery service for homes and offices. It includes a large box full of various samples that you can try. The company creates a new mix every time to keep things fresh, and you can set your own delivery dates to make sure the pantry is always stocked.

WorkPerks offers a variety of snack options for you to choose from. Choose your preferences and then receive a large selection of items. This may be perfect for meetings or offices that like to try new items from artisan brands.

Image: Depositphotos.com


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10 Reddit Statistics You Should Know in 2024 [Infographic]

10 Internet Statistics Every Marketer Should Know in 2024 [Infographic]


Want to be a part of the booming ecommerce market? Before you begin, it’s important to understand the cornerstone of ecommerce – the internet.

Internet usage statistics will open your eyes to how the ecommerce market works. In this article, we’ll dig into internet statistics and the most commonly asked questions about the internet such as how many people use the internet, how many websites there are, and how much time the average person spends on the internet. 

Armed with these internet usage statistics, you’ll get a better idea of what your ecommerce business should be like and is up against so that you know just how to craft your digital marketing strategy.

Enough said. Let’s go straight into the very basics of the internet and take a look at the ten most important internet usage statistics all ecommerce marketers and entrepreneurs must know.

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1. How Many People Use the Internet?

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One of the first internet usage statistics you need to know is how many people use the internet. 

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As of 2022, there are 4.95 billion active internet users (DataReportal, 2022). That marks a 192 million year-over-year increase compared to 2021’s figures. At four percent, the growth in active internet users worldwide is four times faster than the total population growth, which stands at one percent.

Considering there’s a global population of 7.91 billion people, that equates to an internet penetration rate of approximately 62.6 percent. In other words, nearly two out of every three people worldwide are active internet users. 

And with so many things to do online, it’s also important to know other internet usage statistics and more importantly, the top uses of the internet.

Finding information is the most popular activity carried out by internet users: close to six out of every ten internet users browse and search for information online. This is followed by staying in touch with friends and family (54.2 percent), keeping up to date with the latest news and events (50.8 percent), and watching videos, TV shows, and movies (49.8 percent).

2. What Percentage of the World Has Internet Access?

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The world has come a long way since the internet was made publicly available in 1991 – more than 30 years ago. Nine years later at the turn of the millennium, 361 million people around the world had access to the internet.

Fast-forward another two decades to today, over six out of every ten, or 65.6 percent, to be exact, of the entire world’s population has internet access (Internet World Stats, 2021).

It should come as no surprise that, as the largest and most populous continent, Asia is home to the majority of global internet users. In fact, nearly one-quarter (24.4 percent) of the world’s internet users are located in East Asia – the region with the largest number of internet users. This is followed by South Asia with 17.7 percent and Southeast Asia with 9.9 percent of the world’s internet users.

Despite the prevalence of internet usage in Asia, it’s Africa that has the fastest-growing online population. Most of the fastest-growing online populations are based in Africa, with the Republic of the Congo leading the charge – as of January 2020, the number of internet users in the country grew 126 percent year-over-year.

3. Number of Mobile Internet Users Worldwide

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There are currently 4.28 billion unique mobile internet users worldwide, representing around 54.6 percent of the global population (Statista, 2020).

That means that out of the 5.2 billion mobile phone owners in the world, more than eight in ten use their phones to access the internet.

In fact, mobile phones are the most popular device with which users access the internet – 50.2 percent of overall web traffic comes through mobile phones. That’s even more than laptops and computers (47.1 percent) and tablet devices (2.6 percent) combined.

And it probably wouldn’t be surprising if the number of mobile internet users continues to grow. This is especially likely because of the increasing speeds of mobile internet connections, which increased by 22 percent from 2019 to 2020.

4. How Much Time Does the Average Person Spend on the Internet?

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Given that there are so many things to do online, the next internet usage statistic shouldn’t surprise many – on average, internet users spend 6 hours and 56 minutes online each day (DataReportal, 2021).

As an ecommerce business owner, you may be interested to know just how internet users are spending their time on ecommerce activities online.

The latest figures show that 92.2 percent of internet users visit online stores, 81.8 percent carry out online searches for a product or service to purchase, and 78.6 percent follow through with their purchases.

Online shopping and browsing aside, social media is also where internet users spend a large bulk of their time. In fact, the average person spends two hours and 22 minutes a day on social media, with most of this time spent on Facebook and TikTok.

5. Internet Usage Statistics in China

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With Asia home to more than half of the internet users worldwide, let’s take a look at the breakdown of internet usage statistics in the continent’s most populous country – China.

Not only is China a major player in ecommerce sales, but it is also the country with the highest number of internet users in the world, home to 1.01 billion internet users (Internet World Stats, 2019). That’s approximately 70 percent of its total population of 1.45 billion and represents more than one-third of all internet users in Asia. 

This is impressive growth for China, which, back in 2000, had just 22.5 million internet users. In other words, the number of internet users in China has multiplied nearly 45 times in just over two decades.

6. Internet Usage Statistics in the United States

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Whether it’s texting, sending emails, checking the latest movie reviews, looking for products to buy online, or simply browsing, it’s clear that the internet plays a pivotal role in consumers’ daily activities.

This is so much so that as of 2023, more than nine in ten people (91.8 percent) in the United States are internet users (DataReportal, 2023). This is 0.5 percent higher than the previous year’s numbers.

Having a mobile internet connection appears to be one of the biggest (if not the biggest) determining factors of whether US consumers go online. 90.7 percent of Americans go online using mobile phones. 

If your online store’s target buyer demographic includes US shoppers, you’ll need to also know what’s attracting them to go online and how much time they spend doing so. The latest data shows the main reason US consumers go online is to find information and that the average consumer spends nearly seven hours a day online.

7. Google Chrome Is the Leading Mobile Internet Browser

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Google Chrome browser is the leader in the mobile internet browser market, with a share of 64.52 percent (StatCounter Global Stats, 2023). 

The market dominance of Google Chrome is somewhat expected, considering nearly three out of every four mobile phones worldwide run on Android and Google Chrome comes pre-installed on most Android phones and tablets.

Google Chrome’s mobile internet browser market share is more than two times that of second-placed Apple’s Safari, which has a market share of 25.19 percent.

The numbers are evidence of Google Chrome and Safari’s firm grip on the mobile internet browser market. To put their dominance into perspective, consider this internet statistic: nearly nine out of ten (89.71 percent) mobile internet users browse with either Chrome or Safari.

But before launching into mobile marketing on Google Chrome for your ecommerce business, it’s important to consider your target audience and market. For instance, Safari is actually the leading mobile internet browser in the United States. It has a market share of 52.68 percent in comparison with Google Chrome’s 40.22 percent.

8. How Many Websites Are There?

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The very first website was launched in August 1991, by none other than Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the worldwide web himself.

The number of websites has been rising ever since, with the worldwide web adding thousands of new websites in its initial years, before ballooning to millions of new websites added annually even before 2000.

Today, it appears everyone’s looking to get in on online opportunities, as the number of domain name registrations continues to rise. Currently, there are over 1.8 billion websites on the world wide web and counting (Internet Live Stats, 2021).

This leads us to the next question: what are the most popular domain name registrations and where are these sites being hosted?

9. Domain Name Registrations

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As of the third quarter of 2023, there are 359.3 million domain names registered (DNIB, 2023). This marks a 0.8 percent increase from the previous quarter and a 2.4 percent year-over-year growth.

Domain names ending in .com and .net are especially popular, making up 173.9 million (or 48.4 percent) of all registrations. Of these, nearly all (160.8 million) are .com registrations. 

Home to the largest group of internet users, there are 2.3 million registrations on China’s .cn domain. In fact, .cn leads the list of the most popular country-code domain names. Germany’s .de ranks close behind with 17.6 million registrations and the United Kingdom’s .uk rounds out the top three, with 10.9 million. 

Where do you go to register a domain? Internet statistics show the two most popular domain name registrars are GoDaddy.com and NameCheap, which hold 11.8 percent and 2.8 percent of the market share, respectively. Breaking this down, we see that there are more than 83.5 million domain names registered on GoDaddy and 19.9 million on NameCheap.

10. Impact of the Internet on Ecommerce Growth


Revenues from ecommerce retail were projected to hit $5.7 trillion in 2022 – a 9.7 percent increase from 2021 (eMarketer, 2022). That’s not all. Ecommerce sales are expected to continue rising and exceed $8.1 trillion by 2026.

As the country with the most internet users, China is also the world’s top ecommerce market. The Asian giant was expected to bring in $1.5 trillion in ecommerce sales in 2022, nearly double that of its closest rival, the United States, which is expected to generate $875 billion in ecommerce sales.

Not only has the internet brought about significant ecommerce growth, but the online potential has also spurred ecommerce businesses to increase their digital marketing expenditure.

Expenditure on digital ads worldwide was also expected to reach $602.25 billion in 2022, a 15.6 percent increase from the previous year. This is expected to continue growing and eventually hit $876.1 billion by 2026.


With so many internet users spread across all corners of the globe, the internet is truly a goldmine of opportunities for ecommerce business owners.

Hopefully, these eye-opening internet statistics will be useful to you. 

Now that you’re equipped with some of the most important internet usage statistics, you’re ready to take the next step in your digital marketing plan. Be it email marketing or social media marketing, as long as you keep these internet statistics in mind, you’ll be on the right path.

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Summary: Internet Statistics

Here’s a summary of the Internet Statistics for 2024:

  1. There are currently 4.95 billion active internet users worldwide.
  2. 65.6 percent of the entire world’s population has internet access.
  3. There are 4.28 billion unique mobile internet users worldwide, which makes up 54.6 percent of the global population.
  4. Internet users spend an average of 6 hours and 56 minutes online every day.
  5. Home to 1.01 billion netizens, China is the country with the highest number of internet users.
  6. More than nine in 10 people in the US are internet users. 
  7. With a 64.52 percent market share, Google Chrome is the leading mobile internet browser.
  8. Today, there are over 1.8 billion websites on the world wide web.
  9. As of the third quarter of 2023, there are 359.3 million domain names registered.
  10. Revenues from ecommerce retail are projected to hit $8.1 trillion in 2026.
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Want to Learn More?

Is there anything else you’d like to know about internet statistics and wish was included in this article? Let us know in the comments below!


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How A Focus On Health Can Drive New Year’s Sales

How A Focus On Health Can Drive New Year’s Sales


When we think about winter shopping trends, both customers and businesses alike tend to get stuck in the holiday season. From Black Friday and Cyber Monday to the days before and after Christmas, the emphasis is on shopping for gifts. But what about the rest of those cold weather months largely bereft of holidays? How can businesses boost sales in the New Year?

The best ways to motivate shoppers around the New Year is to feed into New Year’s Resolutions — many of which are focused on health and weight loss. This is an arena with a variety of possible approaches.

Here are four ways you can put the emphasis on health to drive post-holiday shopping.

Trust In Technology

drive new years sales

One common feature of fitness and weight loss resolutions is that people make the same “lose twenty pounds” resolution year after year with little success. After years of failed efforts, many shoppers think they will be better able to stick to their resolutions with some computerized assistance. The fitness tech market has responded to this inclination with a variety of products.

In the New Year, put your advertising weight behind calorie trackers and smart watches with fitness tracking capabilities. Thirty-one percent of Americans are interested in using calorie trackers to attain their fitness goals while another sixteen percent are more interested in smart watch technology.

Moreover, it’s also important to highlight the user-friendly nature of these devices in your marketing strategies. Many potential customers are not just looking for technology, but for technology that is accessible and easy to integrate into their daily lives. Consider hosting in-store workshops or online webinars that demonstrate the ease of use and setup for these devices. This approach not only educates customers but also builds a community around your products, fostering brand loyalty and repeat business.

In addition to advertising these products and keeping plenty in stock, consider working with sales teams to educate them about the features of these technology tools and let buyers know your staff is ready to discuss these details with them. Aim to become the store that helps uncertain buyers. You can also set yourself apart by emphasizing the fashion aspects of new wearables in addition to their health benefits.

Partner With Professionals

drive new years sales

Beyond wearable technology, the American College of Sports Medicine predicts that body weight training, strength training, personal training, and fitness classes targeted at an aging population will be popular activities in the quest for better health.

Consider finding local fitness programs to partner with for your post-holiday sales. For example, you might bundle you fitness tracker purchases with reduced rate exercise classes in your neighborhood. This can boost business for both of you, while also helping to motivate your customers.

By bundling your sales with another local business, you also open up the opportunity to retarget your marketing practices. Collaborative marketing can help drive customers from your sales partners to your business. It’s important to make sure both businesses invest in running the ads, though — this should definitely be a partnership. That’s the only way it will benefit both of you equally.

The Power of Digital Influence

In the digital age, the voices of social media influencers and bloggers have become remarkably influential in shaping consumers’ buying decisions. This holds especially true in the health and fitness sector, where people constantly seek inspiration, motivation, and recommendations. As a business aiming to maximize post-holiday sales, tapping into this goldmine of digital influence can be a game-changer. Here’s what you could do:

  • Recognize the Influence: Understand the pivotal role social media influencers and bloggers play in today’s consumer decisions, especially in health and fitness.
  • Align with the Right Voices: Seek collaborations with influencers whose values and ethos mirror your brand’s. This ensures authentic endorsements that resonate with audiences.
  • Product Reviews: Invite influencers to review your products. Honest feedback from a trusted figure can significantly boost product credibility and interest.
  • Host Giveaways: Collaborate with influencers for giveaways. This strategy not only increases brand visibility but also engages potential consumers in an interactive manner.
  • Exclusive Discount Codes: Partner with influencers to offer exclusive discounts to their followers. Such unique offers can drive considerable traffic and conversions for your business.
  • Trust-Building: By collaborating with credible figures in the health and fitness community, you establish a trust bridge with potential consumers who give weight to influencer opinions.

Appeal to Beauty and Budgets

drive new years sales

The New Year is a great time for health services as people shift their budgetary interests away from holiday shopping. After running through their Christmas budgets, buyers find themselves looking for ways to hold fast to New Year’s resolutions while not overspending. This makes it a great time to post coupons on your website or send out mailers, particularly for new customers.

In addition to appealing to their pocketbooks, bringing in new customers for dental treatments or quick plastic surgeries at the start of the year makes them more likely to return as the year progresses. Now is also the time to boost your customer service. New customers will come in for the procedures, but they’ll only stay if you shine on an interpersonal level.

Offering bundled service packages can be an effective way to entice new clients who are looking for comprehensive care while being mindful of their budget. For instance, pairing teeth whitening with a dental check-up or offering a discount on a series of skin treatments can be attractive.

Emphasize the long-term benefits of these services in your promotional materials, showing clients that investing in their health and beauty now can lead to sustained well-being throughout the year.

In addition, creating a loyalty program that rewards repeat visits can encourage clients to return and establish a lasting relationship with your services. Providing personalized recommendations and follow-up consultations can make clients feel valued and more inclined to recommend your services to others.

Personalization is Key

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, the one-size-fits-all approach no longer cuts it. Customers crave personalized experiences — ones that make them feel understood and catered to on an individual level. By integrating personalization into your post-holiday sales strategies, you significantly enhance the chances of converting interest into sales.

Start with offering personalized fitness plans or diet recommendations. A simple quiz or survey about a customer’s lifestyle, goals, and preferences can lead to tailor-made suggestions that they’ll find hard to resist.

Personalization doesn’t stop at products or services. Extend this approach to your marketing efforts. Implement AI-driven email campaigns that send offers and reminders based on individual browsing histories and past purchases.

For instance, if a customer showed interest in vegan protein powders, a personalized email showcasing a New Year discount on that product can be a timely nudge towards a purchase.

Bundle What They Need

There’s a new trend in the business world, and it knows no industry limitations: gift baskets. Sure, you may be used to seeing gift sets of perfume products and makeup or holiday candies and trinkets wrapped together, but the new industry interest in gift baskets is different. These come from less expected places, like supermarkets. In fact, the number of gift baskets available this holiday season is astounding.

One popular form of gift baskets this season are food baskets, particularly at gourmet grocery stores. These bundles often offer significant savings over buying the products individually, but they’re also a way to market a lifestyle. This is where health, fitness, and weight loss bundles come in.

For customers committed to New Year’s weight loss, create bundles of tasty low calorie foods, perhaps combined with a kitchen scale and some cookbooks. Other baskets ideas include diet shakes and supplements or fitness products and exercise DVDs.

Most people beginning a new exercise regimen at home start up their DVDs, get through the warm-up, and then suddenly find they don’t have what they need, from resistance bands to kettle bells. Check out DVDs and match them with the right equipment — your customers will be grateful that you’ve helped them stick to their plan.

A Post-Holiday Plan

drive new years sales

Emphasizing health as the core of your post-holiday marketing will put your business on the road to success. And while your customers may or may not stick to their resolutions, you can help get them off on the right foot by offering health and fitness-focused deals.

drive new years sales

As the holidays wind down, change direction and get ready to break out some healthy products in the wake of all those Christmas cookies. For at least the next few weeks, your customers will be thinking about their waistlines while you think about their wallets. By the time they’ve lost momentum, it will be a new marketing season.

How to Drive New Year’s Summary

Strategy Key Points
Trust in Technology Emphasize calorie trackers & smart watches; Educate sales teams about tech features.
Partner with Professionals Collaborate with local fitness programs; Bundle sales & offer retargeted marketing.
Digital Influence Collaborate with health influencers; Host giveaways & offer exclusive discount codes.
Appeal to Beauty & Budgets Offer New Year discounts for health services; Boost customer service.
Personalization Offer tailored fitness plans; Use AI-driven email campaigns.
Bundle What They Need Introduce health-focused gift baskets; Bundle related fitness products.
Post-Holiday Plan Focus on health post-holidays.

Resolutions Photo via Shutterstock

More in: Holidays


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