
In Java programming’s complex landscape, grasping the subtle details of string manipulation, especially the Java string length, is comparable to perfecting the delicate brushstrokes that animate a painting. Delving into the realm of strings and decoding the mysteries of their lengths combines both logical analysis and creative discovery.

java string length illustration

In this post, you will discover a common task performed on strings to facilitate meeting various software requirements. You will learn about the Java String length method, how it works, and why you need it. You will also see code examples of the string length method and how you might find yourself using it.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

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How to Find Length of String in Java

When working with strings, you will need to perform many tasks. For example, you may need to identify the number of characters in a string value. The length method makes identifying and performing operations on strings a straightforward process.

In addition, strings are so useful that there are many different types of comparisons you can easily create; you can even use a for-loop to check the individual characters in a string.mDVAM

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The terms “string size” and “length” are often used interchangeably because they are often considered collections. Regardless they both refer to the number of characters — including spaces — that a provided string value contains.

Let’s look at the method syntax and how to use it in the code snippet below.

String strVar= “Some Random String Value”;
int strLen = strVar.length()

A String Object variable is created and assigned the string value The Doctor in the code snippet. Then an int variable is designed to store the value returned by the method called on the name variable. To the left of the equal sign operator is the name variable and the length method, chained to it using the dot notation.

Check out the video below to see this process in action.

A great use case scenario would be password validation, one of the steps needed to validate a password is to compare the length. The user enters a string value, and the software will compare the stored value and the entered one. Typically this process consists of multiple comparisons and validations before the password is accepted; length is just one of those.

Now that you’ve learned how the length method works with string let’s look at some code examples of how they work.

String Length Java Example

The string length method is simple and performs a singular task very well, returning a number which is the number of characters in a string. Let’s look at the code you would use to create the code to check, return the length and display it to the Java Console.

Basic Example:

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String strVar= “Some Random String Value”;
    int strLen = strVar.length()

The code above is straightforward, and as shown previously, it assigns a string value to a variable, checks the length, and sets the return value to an int variable. In this same way, you can use the length method to compare the size of two or more strings. Let’s take a minute to look at the code you would use to perform a string length comparison.

Advanced Example:

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args){
    String strVar = “Some Random String Value”;
    String strVar2 = “Some Other Random String Value”;
    int strLen = strVar.length();
    int strLen2 = strVar2.length();
    if(strLen == strLen2) {
        “The length of both the strings are equal and is ” + strVar);
    else {
        “The length of both the strings are not equal”);

This block of code creates two variables with string values, then runs the length method on each, assigning the return value to new variables. The if statement that follows then compares the length value of each variable to determine if they are equal to each other.

Getting Started Using the String Length Method

The length method is simple and is rightfully easy to understand and use with your string values. However, working with strings can be tricky, and there are so many ways to interact with strings the learning potential is almost endless.

The best way to move forward with using strings is to put what you’ve learned into practice and test the limits of your understanding. You can practice by combining different concepts, such as using loops with other methods, like the Integer and Character class. There is still a great deal more to learn, and the more you work at it, the easier it all gets.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in May 2022 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.




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