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Reuters has orchestrated the Customer Service & Experience East 2023 event to reshape customer-centric strategies, set for November 7-8, 2023. The event aspires to bridge the know-how of global customer service (CS) and customer experience (CX) leaders, offering a fertile ground for learning and networking.

It’s an avenue to go into the essence of customer needs, explore AI and intelligent automation in augmenting service delivery, and engender actionable strategies for elevating customer satisfaction. Amid a lineup of seasoned speakers, the forum promises a rich exchange of ideas to propel the industry forward.

  • Focus:
    • Understanding customer needs
    • Employing AI and intelligent automation for enhanced service
  • Participants:
    • 50+ Speakers
    • 300+ Senior Leaders
  • Events:
    • 30+ Sessions aiming at fostering innovative customer-centric strategies
    • Networking opportunities to share and receive actionable insights from industry leaders?

Click on the red button and register to attend Customer Service & Experience East 2023 on November 7-8, 2023

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Reuters Events: Customer Service And Experience East 2023Reuters Events: Customer Service And Experience East 2023
November 07, 2023, Brooklyn, United States

This event brings together senior leaders from the world’s most influential brands to shape service & experience as disciplines across industry lines. Arm yourself with the insights, metrics & strategies you need to rally your organization around CX and deliver a unified, frictionless experience.

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Image: Envato Elements


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